Let's start by covering concepts and principles. It will feel like a bit of a dumping ground, but you can come back to it in depth when I go over the product and team parts later. Also, I wanted for this section to be closer to an encyclopedia. A place you can come back to on a regular basis without having to start from the beginning to be anchored in a story or a flow.
Principles are high level rules you force yourself to follow. Guidelines in your life that keeps you on the right tracks. They aren't binary hard lines. It's more a 90% of the time hard, 10% soft; on exception cases. This hard-ish stance is not to dumb your brain into following them like your new religion, but to force you to think if you're facing an exception when they get challenged.
Concepts are more relatable. Here, they mean topics reviewed from a different angle. Often an unpopular one (mostly on the statistical sense). You may not like what you will read because you don't know me, don't know where I come from (intellectually and emotionally) and - at times - I completely flip some of these on their head relative to what you've probably been told for years and likely have come to deeply believe.
In the end, you're likely to end up taking either one of two paths. You'll either think I'm an idiot or you'll love what you read. It's never been in the middle somehow. This is rule #1 in leadership (we'll get back to it), whatever you do, you will never be compatible with everyone. If you can't stand being hated, you won't be able to accomplish anything of significance.
Let's dive into it.